How Secure Is My Password ?

Check the strength of your password, the time to crack it, and if it was exposed in any data breaches.

Entries are 100% secure and not stored in any way or shared with anyone. Period.

Password strength


Password composition:

  • At least 12 characters
  • Lowercase
  • Uppercase
  • Number
  • Symbol

Time it takes to crack your password

14 years

Was this password exposed on in data breaches ?

787 times

Don't lose password to hackers.

Protect yourself using NordPass to generate and
save strong passwords for each website.

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Boost your online security with a Password Checker.

Our password strength meter tool is free to use and can save you time and money by avoiding data breaches and other security incidents that can result in costly repercussions.

Time to Crack Estimate

Our tool uses advanced algorithms to estimate the time it would take for an attacker to crack your password, giving you an idea of how secure it is.

Password Strength Check

Our tool will analyze the strength of your password and provide a score based on a combination of factors, including length, complexity, and uniqueness.

Password Breach Check

Our tool scans multiple databases containing millions of compromised accounts to see if your password has ever been exposed in a data breach.

Enhanced Security

Use our tool to generate strong passwords and check the strength of existing ones; you'll have increased protection from hackers and cyber attacks.

Peace of Mind

You'll know your sensitive information is better protected, giving you the confidence to use online services without worrying about security risks.

How to protect your passwords online?

Password managers help you store, generate, and manage your passwords securely. They offer several benefits for enhancing your password security:

Secure storage: Password managers encrypt and store your passwords in a secure vault, protecting them from unauthorized access.
Unique password generation: Many password managers can generate strong, unique passwords for you, ensuring each account has a secure password.
Auto-fill and auto-login: Password managers can automatically fill in your login information for websites and apps, reducing the risk of entering your credentials on phishing sites.
Cross-device synchronization: Most password managers allow you to sync your passwords across multiple devices, ensuring you have access to your passwords wherever you go.

NordPass can help you remember all of your secure passwords.

How To Use The Password Checker Tool?

Password managers help you store, generate, and manage your passwords securely. They offer several benefits for enhancing your password security:

  1. Enter your password in the text field provided.
  2. After entering your password, our tool instantly and actively checks the strength of your password in real time, providing you with an immediate result.
  3. The tool will evaluate your password using a combination of algorithms and dictionaries to determine its strength and security level.
  4. After evaluating your password strength, the tool will estimate how long it would take for a computer to crack your password.
  5. The tool may also offer feedback on ways to strengthen your passwords, such as adding more characters, including numbers, symbols, or capital letters.
  6. You can then decide whether to keep your current password or make changes based on the feedback provided.
  7. If you choose to change your password, type the password still, the strength becomes background becomes green,
  8. The tool will continue to provide feedback and estimates for each new password you enter, allowing you to adjust and improve your password security until you find a strong and secure password.
  9. Once you are satisfied with the strength and security of your password, make sure to store it securely, either by remembering it or by using a secure password management tool.

Why Does Secure Password Matter?

A secure password matters because it is the first defense against potential cyber threats and attacks. Passwords protect personal information, financial data, and other sensitive content from unauthorized access. When a password is compromised, it could lead to identity theft, financial loss, or other serious consequences.

Weak passwords are easily guessable or crackable by hackers. A weak password could include commonly used words such as "password," simple numeric sequences like "1234," or personal information such as a name or birthdate. Using the same password across multiple accounts also increases the risk of account takeover if one account is breached.

Weak passwords or using the same password across multiple accounts can put your personal and financial information at risk of being stolen or hacked. When passwords are easily guessable or reused, it makes it easier for malicious actors to gain access to your accounts. This can lead to a domino effect where if one account is breached, all other accounts using the same password become vulnerable to compromise.

Secure passwords are difficult to guess or crack. They include a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols, avoiding common words or phrases. Passwords with at least 12 characters in length are recommended. Phrases can also be a more secure alternative to random strings of characters.

One way to improve password security is by using a password manager. Password managers provide secure storage, unique password generation, auto-fill and auto-login, and cross-device synchronization for enhanced password security. Multi-factor authentication can also be used to add an extra layer of protection to accounts.

Why Your Online Security Depends on Protecting Your Passwords

In today's digital world, our lives revolve around the internet. From online banking to social media and email accounts, we rely on passwords to protect our personal and sensitive information. With the escalating number of cyber threats and data breaches, prioritizing password security is more crucial than ever.

Impact of Using a Weak
  • 30% of internet users have experienced a data breach due to a weak password
  • An estimated 81% of data breaches are due to poor password security.
  • Over 20 billion passwords are exposed on the dark web each year.
  • The most commonly used password is “123456.”
  • 59% of US adults use birthdays or names in their passwords.

Many internet users have faced the consequences of data breaches, such as identity theft or financial loss, due to easily guessable or weak passwords. This underlines the importance of adopting strong password practices and prioritizing online security to safeguard personal and sensitive information.

How Our Tool Works: Methodology

Our "How Secure Is My Password?" tool is designed to evaluate the strength of your password and determine how resistant it is against potential cyberattacks. The tool utilizes a comprehensive methodology that checks the password based on the following criteria:

Password Length: The tool verifies if your password is at least 12 characters long, as longer passwords provide increased security.
Character Diversity: The tool checks for the presence of various types of characters in your password, including:

  • Lowercase letters
  • Uppercase letters
  • Symbols (such as ?#@…)
  • Numbers

Time to Crack: The tool calculates the estimated time for a hacker to crack your password using brute force or other standard attack methods. This estimation is based on factors such as password length and character diversity.
Exposure in Data Breaches:The tool cross-references your password against known databases of previously exposed passwords from data breaches. This helps ensure that your password is not compromised and is widely accessible to hackers.

If your password passes all the above checks, it is considered secure and safe. However, it's essential to remember that no password is entirely foolproof, and you should always follow best practices for online security, such as using a password manager and enabling multi-factor authentication.

Using our "How Secure Is My Password?" tool, you can assess your password's strength and make necessary adjustments to safeguard your personal and sensitive information from potential cyber threats.

Frequently Asked Questions?

For more information on password security and hygiene, we’ve answered the questions we get the most often.

Password testers can be safe when offered by reputable sources with security practices. Our password checker tool is a reliable and secure option, using encryption to protect your data. It does not store or share any information, allowing you to assess your password strength while maintaining privacy confidently.

A 12-digit password is relatively secure, mainly when it includes a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. However, the overall security of a password depends on its uniqueness and unpredictability. To maximize safety, avoid using common phrases, patterns, or easily guessable information, and consider using a passphrase.

"How Secure Is My Password" is a tool designed to evaluate the strength of a password by analyzing various factors such as length, character diversity, and potential exposure in data breaches. It estimates the time it would take for a hacker to crack the password using brute force or other common attack methods. By assessing these factors, the tool provides valuable feedback on the password's overall security, helping users make necessary adjustments to enhance their online safety and protect their personal information.

To determine which password is more secure, it's essential to consider factors such as length, complexity, and uniqueness. A secure password typically:
  • Are at least 12 characters long
  • Includes a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters
  • It contains numbers and special characters
  • It avoids easily guessable information or common phrases
  • Is unique and not reused across multiple accounts

The password that best meets these criteria is more secure. Using a passphrase or a password manager to generate complex, random passwords can further enhance security.

Hackers can access your saved passwords if they breach your device or online accounts. Regularly updated passwords and cautious public Wi-Fi networks can protect your saved passwords. Use a reputable password manager with strong encryption, enable two-factor authentication, and maintain up-to-date security software.

Weak passwords are easier for hackers to crack, leading to unauthorized access to your accounts, identity theft, and financial losses. Ensuring you have a unique password for each account can help protect your personal information and prevent potential security breaches.

Password managers generate, store, and auto-fill unique and strong passwords for each of your accounts. Using a password manager, you can maintain strong, unique passwords for all your accounts without having to remember them yourself. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access and helps improve your overall online security.